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Mangrove Staff
*founding member
The Mangrove Creative Collective is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that began as an idea shared by a group of people and is now a reality for the community. To learn more about the folks below click on their photo:
Arts explorer, imaginative, inquisitive, urban-native wright.
Creator, life enthusiast, adventurer, art addict, seer of the big picture
Director, craftsman, explorer, laugher, get things doner
Author, Miami born Cuban, theatre maker, movement imaginary.
Playwright, director, actor, pedagogue
Theatre enthusiast, in love with quality, new old school, a bit of a geek
Musician, rhythm master, creative dreamer.
Singing salesman, hued, radical artist from Miami.
Writer, Director, Actor, Educator, Storyteller, Miami native.
Mangrove Board Members
Joseph Cloud
Niki Fridh
Margaret Ledford
Ricky J. Martinez
Gina Montet
Matt Stabile
David Radunsky
Christian Reátegui
Kunya Rowley
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