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Mangrove  Staff

*founding member

The Mangrove Creative Collective is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that began as an idea shared by a group of people and is now a reality for the community. To learn more about the folks below click on their photo:


Joseph Cloud *

Arts explorer, imaginative, inquisitive, urban-native wright. 

Niki Fridh *

Creator, life enthusiast, adventurer, art addict, seer of the big picture 

Margaret M. Ledford *

Director, craftsman, explorer, laugher, get things doner

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Ricky J. Martinez

Author, Miami born Cuban, theatre maker, movement imaginary.

Gina Montet *

Playwright, director, actor, pedagogue

David Radunsky *

Theatre enthusiast, in love with quality, new old school, a bit of a geek

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Christian Reátegui

Musician, rhythm master, creative dreamer. 

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Kunya Rowley

Singing salesman, hued, radical artist from Miami.


Matt Stabile *

Writer, Director, Actor, Educator, Storyteller, Miami native.

Mangrove Board Members

Joseph Cloud
Niki Fridh
Margaret Ledford
Ricky J. Martinez
Gina Montet
Matt Stabile
David Radunsky
Christian Reátegui
Kunya Rowley

© 2019 by Mangrove Creative Collective. Proudly created with

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